

Breeding is a feature of Prehistoria that allows you create a litter between two beasts of the same species and opposite gender as long as they have reached certain levels within the group. This can be very rewarding, yet very risky! This guide will tell you how to get started!


The Breeding system in Prehistoria is quite easy. You post a breeding submission under “Submit Breeding” in our Breeding Cycling with two beasts and an Admin will roll your result with the help of rng. There is also no chance at empty litters, so every breeding will result in at least one offspring. The exact numbers of how many offspring are possible for each species can be found in our Species Info.
The group keeps track of used slots as well, so if you lost the count yourself feel free to ask us how many slots your beast has left! However, we do not keep track of slots given away (and which were not used yet) to other players, so we cannot give you any information in that regard.
As you will read in the rules below, it is not mandatory that any of the beasts you use for a breeding belong to you. There are different ways to get your hands on slots to beasts, that are not your own:
– Reaching Harmony Rank 5 will grant you a slot to any Primal you want.
– Different items may grant you slots to Primals, NPCs and gods as well. Most of these items can be found during events. For more information have a look on our Item page, most of them can be found under the categories “Reveals” and “Breeding”.
– It is also possible to get slots from other players for their beasts. These can either be purchased, gifted or traded. Have a look at our advertisement folder over on dA or on our Discord Server and see if someone currently offers slots!
Something similar to using someone else’s beast for a breeding are so called split breedings. Split breedings are done between two players. Each player will contribute with one slot and once the litter was rolled it is split between the two (2) of them. The additional use of other bonus items and how the offspring are split can (and should!) be discussed beforehand. Admins will not sort it out and the offspring will be confiscated and deceased if it cannot be handled like civil cavemen.
Basic rules / requirements:
– A beast must have reached Harmony Rank 2 in order to be used for breedings
– Exception: Items such as the Valentines Candle or Birthday Cake may be used with beasts not having Rank 2 yet. However, those have to be posted under “Reveal Items” in our Stash Cycling and will only grant one (1) offspring.
– Neither of the used beasts have to be your own. You can find examples on how to gain slots to Primals or other player’s beasts at the top.
– Both beasts must be of the same species.
– Same-sex breedings are only possible with certain items such as the Golden Charm of Bending or Rainbow Rose (usable only during Valentine Event).
– You may only post up to four (4) breedings a month: two (2) which are fully yours and another two (2) that are split breedings with another player.
– Breedings involving a Primal, NPC or gods do not count to your monthly limit.
– Once you used all available slots of your beast it can no longer be used for breedings. While we do keep track of already used slots please keep track yourself as well, as we do not know how many slots you gave away (and which were not used yet) to other players for example!
Amount of breeding slots per species
Not all species have the same amount of slots available once they reach Harmony Rank 2. Depending on the general litter size species with bigger ones have less slots available than species with small litters. However, all species will get an additional 2 breeding slots with each rank up, no matter how many offspring can be produced per breeding.
For reaching Harmony Rank 2
– Sabers, Dire Worgs and Terror Birds gain a total of 10 breeding slots
– Equus, Ursus, Megaloceros and Mammoths gain a total of 15 breeding slots
– Ancient Saber gain a total of 5 breeding slots


Inbreeding and Penalties
Inbreeding occurs when both parents share the same beast(s) in a lineage, either as parents, grandparents, or great grandparents and comes with dire consequences. Beasts need to have different lineages on each side in order to produce healthy offspring. We recommend you avoid inbreeding if possible, as it is a potential waste of your hard earned slots and used bonus items.
When inbreeding, the following penalties can happen to the litter:
– There is an extremely high chance of stillborn babies. It is rare to find a litter where one has survived.
– The baby is sterile, which means that it will never be able to breed even after reaching Harmony Rank 2.
– There is a high chance of spinal deformity and / or blindness. These offspring will have a permanent disadvantage for all regular activities, expeditions and Boss Battle which cannot be removed with a Lucky Totem.


Rare markings, colors and mutations
Breeding for rare colors and specific genes or mutations may be a puzzle to some, but this section should clear up any questions or confusion you might have! Make sure that you read carefully and be aware that we do not openly give out percentages, so any seen are for example purposes only.
Coat Colors
Coat colors in Prehistoria are passed down from parents to their offspring. The way the coat color is inherited is simple!
– If the parents have two (2) different coat colors, the offspring have an equal chance to inherit either parents base.
– If the parents have the same common coat color, the offspring will inherit the common base with a small chance for it to turn into the rare counterpart.
– If the parents have the common and its corresponding rare coat color, the offspring will either inherit the common base or, with a medium chance, the rare coat color.
– If the parents have the same rare coat color, the offspring will either inherit the common base or, with a higher chance, the rare coat color.
The color correspondance is as follows:
– Snow has a chance to turn into Glacier Snow
– Earth has a chance to turn into Darkwood Earth
– Fawn has a chance to turn into Suntouched Fawn
– Night has a chance to turn into Twilight Night
– Ochre has a chance to turn into Dawn Ochre
Markings and Mutations
Beasts can only inherit markings if the parents carry them, so it is important to find parents with the markings and colors you like before breeding. Markings are inherited at special rates: the Common markings being easier to obtain, the Uncommon being a little harder obtain, and so on.
When both parents have the same marking, the chances of that gene passing onto offspring are doubled. For example, having one parent with Dun could give you a 15% chance of passing the gene, but when both parents have Dun, the odds jump up to a 25% chance of it passing. This holds true for all common, uncommon and rare markings.
While mutations work quite the same as markings when it comes to passing them down, there are also some special cases:
– During Events certain mutations can pop up randomly, even if parents do not carry them.
– The same can happen with certain traits such as Larkka’s Luck or reaching Harmony Rank 9.
It is definitely worth to invest in some items such as the Lovingly Carved Donii or Crude Steel Statue to increase your luck. You can find more of those bonus items and information about them on our Item page under “Breeding”.


You want to have a better chance at rarer colors, markings or mutations? There are multiple ways to increase chances for your beast(s):
– Reaching Harmony Rank 9 with your beasts unlocks the Natural Selection Trait, which has a chance to roll a physical mutation in any breeding. More information about Ranks can be found in our Harmony Rank Guide.
– Trials of Arwii can be done once a beast reaches Harmony Rank 2 and increases the chances to pass down rare markings and mutations. The Trials can be found on our Trials Guide page under “Trials of Arwii”.
– Companions can have various types of bonuses and can be found on our Companion page under “Events”, “Overflowing Treasure Chest” and “Misc”.
– Traits can have various types of bonuses as well, just like Companions. They can be found on our Traits page.
– Items are, unlike the other four choices, not directly applied to beasts and instead used on the breeding itself. They have a wide variety of bonuses. All breeding items can be found on our Item page under “Breeding”.