Tribe Shop


“Step in, step in! Have a look around and let me know if there is something you want or need!”


To exist, the tribes needed a lot of resources. Resources that sometimes their territories could not provide them, or in very small quantities. Moreover, the severity of certain seasons could sometimes be detrimental to them.
It was on these needs and also by pure prevention for the future that the Tribe Shop system was created. Each Tribe created its own system to exchange items. Both between Tribemates and with outsiders, like itinerant traders.
Little by little, these shops really took into account the needs of each tribe. A unique currency for the tribes was created: the Ambers. And the shops began to offer universal items to each type of tribe to provide for its needs. From cosmetic items to help in tournaments or activities and items to help in Tribe Trials.


To purchase any of the following items simply head over to our Tribe Works Cycling and click on “Purchase Items”!


Cosmetic Items

Tribe Adornments:
Used to apply special Tribe Adornments to all members of the Tribe.
Buy: 2000 Ambers
Sell: 1000 Ambers

Tribe Paints:
Used to apply special Tribe Paints to all members of the Tribe.
Buy: 2000 Ambers
Sell: 1000 Ambers


One Time Use Items

Honey Glazed Treat:
One Time Use item used to give a certain bonus during a Tournament challenge.
Buy: 100 Ambers
Sell: –

Sack of Kibble:
One Time Use item used to give a certain bonus during a Tournament challenge.
Buy: 100 Ambers
Sell: –

Stone Shovel:
Apply to an activity entry to have the chance to bring back rare or exotic loot along with some Ambers.
Buy: 100 Ambers
Sell: –


Tribe Trial Items

Map and Charcoal:
Needed to finish a Tribe Trial and gain the Trial’s bonus.
Buy: 1000 Ambers
Sell: 500 Ambers

Bull Charm:
Use this Charm to remove your tribe’s specialization in order to be able to do another one’s Tribe Trial.
Buy: 2000 Ambers
Sell: –