Give your beasts some interesting bonuses by letting them complete trials! In this guide you will find everything you need to know about them.
Bonding Trials:
Normally, if you feature either a handler or a Primal in your regular activity (Hunting, Fishing, Discovery, Foraging) entry, your beast(s) will gain a 10% chance to bring back an extra item.
The Bonding Trials increase this bonus from 10% to 100%.
Be careful though! If your beast is bonded with both a handler and a Primal and both are featured in your activity entry, only one of them will bring back the extra item!
The Trials itself can be found on our Bonding Trials page while on this page we will focus on the rules and requirements to achieve the bonded status.
Where to submit your Bonding:
– To make the Bonding official head over to our Rank and Progression Cycling Journal and submit a comment under “Bonding Trials” in the Trials category.
Required form in your entries’ description:
Path taken: Handler or Primal
Prompt number: Prompt # – Option #
Basic rules / requirements:
– Only one (1) beast and the handler OR Primal you want it to bond with may be featured in your entries.
– Beast must be focusing on the task.
– Handlers need at least a written template and need to be at least 10 years old before being able to bond with your beast.
– The handler does not have to be owned by you. It is possible to bond a beast with a handler both belonging to different players.
– When submitting your Trials for approval, the other player not having posted the request must comment below it to confirm the bonding.
– Primals you may bond with can be found here: Bondable Primals
– Your beast may only be bonded with one handler and one Primal at the same time. Primals and Handlers may be bonded with multiple beasts however!
– Bonding Trials will not count for HP.
– Only one part per image / literature piece (comic pages with one panel for each part for example would not be allowed)
– The Trials must be submitted to the “Bonding Trials” gallery folder on Deviant Art.
– The entry may not be used for anything else besides the Bonding Trials (you cannot have it rolled as discovery activity for example)
– If you want to change who your beast is bonded with, simply redo the trials with the new wanted Primal / handler. You will have to do the same to get the previous bond(s) back.
Rules / requirements specifically for art:
– The beasts must be recognizable and display all their markings, even minimally.
– Must show at least 70% of your beast (Activity Ranges).
– Handlers and Primals must show at least 50% of them in your entry.
– Special Case Megaloceros: Males of this species loose their antlers during winter season! If your entry is depicted during winter season it is totally fine to leave the antlers away without them counting towards the 70% range.
– Visual works must be at least 500 x 500 pixels, or an equal dimension (exp: 400 x 600).
– Must have at least a semi-complex background (Image complexity).
– Must be colored. Shading is optional.
Rules / requirements specifically for literature:
– Must be at least 1000 words.
– Beast must be mentioned frequently throughout (every 100-200 words).
– If collaborating, each person must write at least 600 words each.
Trials of Arwii:
The Trials of Arwii are not necessary in order to breed your beasts once they reach rank 2, they will give your beast a great bonus for breedings in form of the Arwii’s Grace Trait however, which increases the chances to pass down rare markings and mutations.
The Trials itself can be found on our Trials of Arwii page while on this page we will focus on the rules and requirements to gain the Arwii’s Grace Trait.
Where to submit your Trials:
– To get the Trait head over to our Rank and Progression Cycling Journal and submit a comment under “Arwii Trials” in the Trials category.
Required form in your entries’ description:
Trials’ name: Trial of Compassion / Trial of Mercy / Trial of Deep Understanding
Prompt number: Prompt 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Basic rules / requirements:
– Up to two (2) beasts allowed.
– Beast must be focusing on the task.
– The beast must be at least rank 2
– The Trials will not count for HP.
– Only one part per image / literature piece (comic pages with one panel for each part for example would not be allowed)
– The Trials must be submitted to the “Trials of Arwii” gallery folder on Deviant Art.
– The entry may not be used for anything else besides the Trials of Arwii (you cannot have it rolled as discovery activity for example)
– The Trait cannot be passed down to offsprings and need to be earned by doing the Trials.
Rules / requirements specifically for art:
– The beasts must be recognizable and display all their markings, even minimally.
– Must show at least 70% of your beast (Activity Ranges).
– Special Case Megaloceros: Males of this species loose their antlers during winter season! If your entry is depicted during winter season it is totally fine to leave the antlers away without them counting towards the 70% range.
– Visual works must be at least 500 x 500 pixels, or an equal dimension (exp: 400 x 600).
– Must have at least a semi-complex background (Image complexity).
– Must be colored. Shading is optional.
Rules / requirements specifically for literature:
– Must be at least 1000 words.
– Beast must be mentioned frequently throughout (every 100-200 words).
– If collaborating, each person must write at least 600 words each.
Spirit Trials:
The Spirit Trials are another set of Trials giving a bonus for certain activities. Unlike the Bonding or Arwii Trials though you have multiple options to choose from as all Gods (except for Arwii as he already has the Arwii Trials above) have their own set of Trials with their own specific bonuses.
Each beast may only complete one set of Trials. It is possible to change the bonus by using a Wooden Spirit Idol and doing another set of Trials however.
All Trials can be found on our Spirit Trials page while on this page we will focus on the rules and requirements for all Spirit Trials.
Where to submit your Trials:
– Simply head over to our Rank and Progression Cycling Journal and submit a comment under “Spirit Trials” in the Trials category.
Required form in your entries’ description:
Trials’ name: Trial of Umbru / Larkka / etc
Prompt number: Prompt 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Basic rules / requirements:
– Up to two (2) beasts allowed.
– Beast must be focusing on the task.
– The Trials will not count for HP.
– Only one part per image / literature piece (comic pages with one panel for each part for example would not be allowed)
– The Trials must be submitted to the “Spirit Trials” gallery folder on Deviant Art.
– The entry may not be used for anything else besides the Spirit Trials (you cannot have it rolled as discovery activity for example)
Rules / requirements specifically for art:
– The beasts must be recognizable and display all their markings, even minimally.
– Must show at least 70% of your beast (Activity Ranges).
– Special Case Megaloceros: Males of this species loose their antlers during winter season! If your entry is depicted during winter season it is totally fine to leave the antlers away without them counting towards the 70% range.
– Visual works must be at least 500 x 500 pixels, or an equal dimension (exp: 400 x 600).
– Must have at least a semi-complex background (Image complexity).
– Must be colored. Shading is optional.
Rules / requirements specifically for literature:
– Must be at least 1000 words.
– Beast must be mentioned frequently throughout (every 100-200 words).
– If collaborating, each person must write at least 600 words each.