Import Information Template


On this page you can find the link to the official Import Information Template and all needed informations to fill it out properly.


General rules
– Follow group rules for names and descriptions
– Do not add or remove a line unless you are specifically told to do so! (Example: even if your beast has no mutation, the Mutation line has to stay in the description)
– Remove all instructions after the // from the lines as you fill it out. Please be careful to only delete the // and the instructions after it and not the whole line!
– If your beast was born with a trait or if you want to apply items / traits / companions when submitting your design for approval you may add the items in the according areas. However, it is not mandatory and will be done by an admin once the import gets uploaded.
– Always double check the lineage


The template
As it is easier to copy and paste from a deviantArt deviation description to keep the formatting we left the template itself in our gallery while moving the explanations onto the website. Please read them carefully when filling out the template!

Information Template


Filling out the template

Please do not use this form for your beast! This version here is used to explain what exactly has to be written where. Click on the button above to be redirected to the required template.

ID – Do not write anything here. Your ID number will be assigned and added in by an admin.
Owner – Link your own name using the @ command (Example: @Falbe)
Designer – Add a link to the designer of your beast using the @ or :dev: command (Example: @Falbe). This is always required and can not be deleted
Origins – Add the link from where you got the beast from.
Name – Add your beasts name
Nicknames – Add your beasts’ nicknames if they have any. This line comes in handy for literature. If your beast has no nicknames simply remove the (instructions) and leave the line empty!
Personality – This line is optional and you may leave it blank. You can add a description of your beast here, but make sure that it is appropriate and follows the groups rules. It may not be longer than 600 words
Species – All available species are listed. Leave the species from your beast and remove the other options.
Gender – Male or female. Any additional information can be added in the personality. This is only used for breeding purposes
Phenotype – Add the part with the Base Coat color and markings you got from the geno (Example: Ochre with Pangare and Rosette)
Mane Type – Add what type of Mane your beast has
Tail Type – Add what type of Mane your beast has
Mutations – Add here the Mutations (except for Mane and Tail mutations) your beast has. You can find them under “Mutations:” if your geno has any. If not, remove the (instructions) and leave the line empty
Health – This line will always say “Healthy” unless the beast was officially rolled with health issues or defects. Any story related injuries or issues can be added in the personality section
Lineage – Add your beasts lineage. This is a crucial part of the import that determines inbreeding and other things about your animal. Always make sure to double check it! If the parents in a lineage are unknown, then they are considered wild