Seasonal Adventure: Long Drought


Long Drought
Seasonal Adventures are a group activity that allows you to participate in unique storylines, get exotic rewards, and obtain an even more unique badge for your beast’s import. Some stories will differ in paths you can take, the lore included, and other aspects of storytelling. You’ll never know what twists might be thrown your way!
This Quest will end September 30th, Midnight EST!


Rewards for full story completion:
– 1x Overflowing Treasure Chest,
– 1000-2000 Beads,
– 1-3 Trait Shards,
– 1x Carved Perforated Baton,
– the special Milestone Badge shown up on top of the page.
ItemCarvedPerforatedBatonCarved Perforated Baton:
This item is used to add one (1) additional beast to your Spirit or Arwii Trials, increasing the max amount from two (2) to three (3).

Claim your rewards!


The story begins here:
Spring was a pleasant time of the year; the snow melted and the flowers that bloomed painted a colourful canvas of purple, pink, blue and yellow. Seeds were sown, trees regrew their leaves and a new generation of life came to Prehistoria.
But the peacefulness of Spring – its tepid temperatures – suddenly were overshadowed by a stifling warmth. Far too early, Summer had arrived. Clouds vanished, leaving clear blue skies that faded to the starry night where a cool breeze gave respite from the ever-growing heat. Days turned to weeks and the heat built up… There was no sign of a cloud in sight. Just a suffocating and draining heat that was taking its toll on Prehistoria.
Start Quest:
Another day has come where the heat is unbearable, even for those who resided in the deserts. This was not a normal heatwave that was pummeling down on Prehistoria; it had arrived before Summer was even due and its effects were stretching far and wide.
Your beast, tired from the heat bearing down on them, has sought shelter in the shade from the sun. Not even the flies have the energy to bother them in this weather. Much like yesterday and the day before that, there wasn’t a lot that could be done today without risk of a heatstroke. The coolness of the shade was a luxury; it was cold and was beginning to lull you to sleep… Yet before sleep could claim them, a noise draws their attention.
Depict your beast reacting to the sudden noise or illustrate this part of the story.

Path 1 – Quest 1:
A Tribe/Pride is visibly in distress as one of their members calls out to your beast for help. When your beast hurries to join them and see what the problem is, the Tribe/Pride explains they come from the far Northern reaches of Prehistoria but had been forced to move away due to a lack of food.
Depict your beast agreeing to help the Tribe/Pride or listening to them talk about their misfortune, or illustrate this part of the story.
Path 1 – Quest 2:
Your beast recognises that the Tribe/Pride has been suffering for quite some time and guides them to a shaded area where the group can sit down and rest and, more importantly, get out of the stifling heat. Some of the Tribe/Pride members are thirsty and aren’t feeling well as a result, so water is greatly needed.
Depict your beast guiding some of the Tribe/Pride members to a source of water or leading them to shade, or illustrate this part of the story.
Path 1 – Quest 3:
Once the Tribe/Pride is settled and starting to perk up in the shade and away from the scorching sun, your beast decides to give the group some tips on how to hunt and where best to find different choices of prey – preferably in the evening when it’s coolest.
Depict your beast telling the Tribe/Pride where to find food and when or depict them helping the group get some needed food, or illustrate this part of the story.

Path 2 – Quest 1:
The sounds of distressed animals is one your beast recognises at an instant and knows that there is trouble afoot.
When you follow the noise your beast is surprised – or maybe horrified? – to see that the once huge watering hole that has served as a neutral area is… Gone. Completely dried up because of the heatwave.
Depict your beast hearing the distress calls of animals and following them or their reaction to seeing the lake gone, or illustrate this part of the story.
Path 2 – Quest 2:
Upon seeing your beast, a young animal bounds over to you with fear in their eyes and a trembling lower lip. It’s hard for them to form words as they are close to tears but they manage to convey to your beast that their mother isn’t doing well – being under the sun for so long has caused her to have heatstroke and she finding it difficult to keep standing.
Depict your beast listening to the young creature ask for help or depict them helping the mother in her time of distress, or illustrate this part of the story.
Path 2 – Quest 3:
The sun is starting to set and the unbearable heat is beginning to wane as a cool breeze washes over your beast and the animals around the dried lake. Though the animals will need to move on to find water elsewhere, they can all take a moment to relish in the cool temperatures as evening sets in.
Depict your beast relaxing beside the dried-up lake with the other animals or show them talking with them while they wait for the evening to take over, or illustrate this part of the story.


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