
News 2024/10/01: Monthly Changes, new Seas. Adventure

Hello everyone!
1st of October, the spooky seasonal finally started! Of course together with our usual monthly changes c;
– the Monthly Bonus is now active for (Ancient) Sabers! They can find a Golden Charm of Bending in regular activities!
– the Monthly Quest changed as well!
– our Rahutu Trading Post changed it’s offered items as well, this month with a Grimoire as special item.
– We also have a new Seasonal Adventure ready for you! This time a certain, usually very grumpy and mean Megaloceros bull, needs your help with something. Or should I say someone c;
Seasonal Adventure – Tips for a God
– Our Admin Applications are open again as well! This time we are looking for someone, who would be willing to help out in our different areas as some sort of “Jack of all Trades”. The main focus would be on the three areas Harmony Ranking, Breeding and Stash though (two of which are rather calm and others will help out if they have the time of course, so no need to worry about having too much on your plate <3)
For more information, please head over to our Admin Application page on the website.
Deadline for applications is Sunday, October 13th, Midnight EST!
– We also added a new category for our suggestion box: Wild Designs!
Feel free to send us any of your designs you want to see as Wild or have no use for c:
All rules can be found on the Wilds page as well as in the comment on the suggestion box!
– There was also a small update concerning ranges / word counts for regular activities, special activities, Harmony and Unity Prompts / Themes, Tournaments and Trials.
In short:
– Regular activities now have a required range of 60% for any featured beasts
– The Word Count for
– Harmony and Unity Prompts as well as Seasonal Adventures were lowered to 1000
– Trials, Tournaments and special activities were lowered to 900
– The Tribe bonus for the ranks 5 and 9 were updated as well. The previous bonus was a bit confusing for some specializations, so we added more details to make it more clear what a tribe gains with their specific specialization reaching this rank!
– Last but not least, a small update concerning the import description and searchbar bug: Unfortunately we did not hear anything anymore from the dA-Team.
What we are doing now is going through all imports and updating them manually so all info is shown again! Hopefully this will also fix the searchbar bug, as there is a chance it’s influenced by the unreadable descriptions x’)
~ Falbe