Cycling Hub

The Cycling Hub is the heart of our game, where most of the gameplay is happening!


Here you can have your designed beasts approved, apply cosmetic items, change your imports’ description, transfer beasts to other players or ask design related quesions!
In the Stash Cycling you can redeem or sell your items, let them reveal, apply tack to your beasts and many more things related to the bank!
Rank and Progression
The Rank and Progression Cycling is for everything related to your beasts’ progress, be it ranking up, having Trials approved or claiming Milestones!
Once your beast reached Rank 2 and is breedable you can go here and post the breeding! You write permissions (either breeding or leasing) to other players here as well!
Crafting and Boss Battle
Finally enough items to craft something? Or are you ready to stand your ground against one of our bosses? Have a look at the Crafting and Boss Battle Cycling to post your requests!
Tribe Works
Everything related to Tribes can be found here!
Adoption Center
In this Cycling you can adopt new friends, drop unwanted genos or imports off to the Adoption Centers for others or yeet them into the abyss!
Beast of the Season
All informations on how beasts can become Beast of the Season, rewards, and so on can be found here!