“Hello again! Are you interested in items that are a bit more special compared to our usual sale items? Or maybe you want some rare companions? Have a look around and see if something catches your interest!”

In addition to the ordinary items they collected during their many journeys, Ura and Esger came across special-looking things sometimes. Both items and small companions.
Not knowing what to do with all this and whether it was tradable, they sought advice from Umbru who welcomed them warmly by her side. She explained that all these goods were related to special events created by the gods. Each had its own use, including being worth a lot of beads if put on sale.
The Explorers thanked the Goddess for the information and immediately went into action.
In addition to their Merchant Hut, they created the Event Market, which was available all year round, although it was most active during the annual events.
A place where you could get special items or companions in exchange for a completely different currency than the beads used so far. Each event had its own currency so be sure to have the account before making an exchange!
Disclaimer: Only event items that can actually be purchased with their respective event currency can be found on this page.
If you want to see a complete list of items or companions that can be found during each event, please have a look at the following page: Companions, Traits and Items
To purchase any of the following items simply head over to our Stash Cycling and click on “Purchase Items” in the Stash category!
– Rainy Skies Event
– Shadow of Umbru Event
– Bloodmoon Event
– Winter Event
– Valentine Event
Rainy Skies Event
Currency used for the following items / companions: Sacred Water
Shadow of Umbru Event
Currency used for the following items / companions: Stardust
Bloodmoon Event
Currency used for the following items / companions: Ghost Cookie
Winter Event
Currency used for the following items / companions: Festive Tree Cookie
Valentines Event
Currency used for the following items / companions: Sunstone