
News 2024/08/11: Monthly Changes, Bug issues

Hello everyone!
A little bit late this month, but let’s start with our monthly changes before we dive deeper into some other topics!
– the Monthly Bonus is now active for Terror Birds! They can find a Golden Charm of Shapeshifting in regular activities!
– the Monthly Quest changed as well!
– our Rahutu Trading Post changed it’s offered items as well, this month with a Birthday Cake as special item.
– The move to our new import description I mentioned two announcements ago is finally finished! So all imports on CS have now the same descritpion formatting c:
– Small reminder for our Beast of the Season too! August is the last month before we change to our Fall Cycling, so if you have any beasts you would like to mention, please head over to this thread: Suggestion Hub
– Our Birthday Event is now closed as well! Thank you to everyone who participated. Oh – and you might want to keep an eye our for next week, it seems the party noise attracted something c;
– Last but not least, some a bit more negative news I’m afraid :’D
We currently have two bugs going around on CaveSpeaker:
1. The searchbar is not working properly. While matches within the title are found and displayed, matches with the description are ignored.
2. “Phantom descriptions”. The majority of descriptions are only partially or not shown at all. The “hidden” areas are not gone however! If copied and inserted into Word for example the text appears, so it is just not visible on dA for some reason.
For both bugs we are in contact with the dA support team to get this solved as soon as possible!
We actually already found a solution for the second bug! While we do not want to start to adjust all imports before the dA team finished their investigations, if you have a beast you need updated (e.g. if you need to see what items it has for activity entries), please let us know so we can fix it for you!
~ Falbe