Nogon Tribe


Here you can find details about the Nogon Tribe, their leaders and where / how they live. On top of the page you will also find their banner with their primary colors used for paints, etc.




Their leaders:


Name: Dhonip
Species: Human (Homo Sapiens / Homo Neanderthalensis)
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Partner: Amalig
Personality: Calm, serious, loves to tease his children. Uses his height to his advantage by defusing tricky situations or to appear threatening if necessary.


Name: Amalig
Species: Human (Denisovan)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Pan
Partner: Dhonip
Personality: Loving and caring. Absolutely loves children and would do everything to protect them, be it her own or children from other parents. Despite her being a lot smaller than her lifemate she is the actual leader of the family.

Youngest son:

Name: Ghik
Species: Human (Homo Sapiens / Homo Neanderthalensis / Denisovan)
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Too young
Partner: Too young
Personality: Active and curious. Has the habit of running into troubles while trying to explore the world. Still has a lot to learn.



Name: Sharlim
Species: Human (Homo Sapiens / Homo Neanderthalensis / Denisovan)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Ace
Partner: Unknown
Personality: Curious and wants to see the world. Since she is in the middle of her teenage phase she can be quite temperamental. Gets angry at her parents quite often as well, as they do not approve of her wish to travel around the continent.

Oldest Son:

Name: Ramsa
Species: Human (Homo Sapiens / Homo Neanderthalensis / Denisovan)
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bi
Partner: Tallain
Personality: Calm and caring. Has no issues communicating how he feels and is not afraid to say if he doesn’t like something. Very open minded and loves to take care of his lifemate, showering her in gifts.

Oldest Son’s partner:

Name: Tallain
Species: Human (Homo Sapiens)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Partner: Ramsa
Personality: Loves to show her affection for someone through a lot of touching and smiles. Since she is rather new to the family, she is still a bit insecure, but her lifemate’s mother tries to get her into the leader role a bit more, so she feels comfortable enough to some day lead the tribe if they want to.

The people:

– The Nogon Tribe is probably the friendliest of all tribes. Travellers met along the way are welcomed with open arms and invited to stay with them for as long as they want. Knowing how harsh the desert can be the tribe’s people always have a few extra rations on them to share with hungry and thirsty strangers. Be prepared to have your ears chewed off though, as they love to tell their stories to everyone willing to listen.
– Food and water are very rare ressources in the desert. While insects and meat from animals such as lizards or other desert dwellers are a bit easier to come by, the tribe also tries to gather as many edible plants and fruits from around the watersources they pass as possible to give their diet some more variety. Water is taken from these watersources as well, but they are not the only source of water. Through the generations the knowledge of how to find water in seemingly impossible places is passed down from parents to children.
– Travelling mostly during the evening and morning hours due to the more comfortable temperatures the tribe heavily relies on the stars and their constellations to navigate the desert. They know in and out which stars to follow to reach a certain destination, in which nights some of the stars may glow even lighter than usual and much more. Being this dependant on the stars it should be no surprise that Umbru, the Goddess of the Moon and Stars is the tribe’s favourite god.
– Stars are not only used for navigation however, but also for storytelling. Members of the Nogon Tribe are known to be excellent storytellers and if someone can turn a simple stroll into the adventure of someone’s lifetime, it’s them. Every star constellation found in the night sky and known to the Tribe has its own story. These stories are not only told for fun though! Each of them also contains an important lesson that is meant to help people in all sorts of situations, be it survival or a moral dilemma.
– The relationship between the tribe’s people and their beasts is a very close one. They are seen as part of the family and get treated as such going as far as allowing them inside their tents to share the cool on a hot day or the warmth in a cold night. It is not unusual to see them guarding the little children while the parents are either building the tents, are out hunting or in search of water.

Their habitat:

– They live in the desert
– Their tribe is nomadic:
– To make transport and building / dismantling easier they live in tents made out of leather and or linens
– Usually they travel from watersource to watersource