Marbled (Marking Mutation)



Marbled is a marking mutation which adds patches of two (2) additional colors, black and white, all over the body and may change the original base coat color. This marking was heavily inspired by calico cats, so feel free to take them as inspiration!
The black color has to be taken from the Night swatch, whereas the white can be chosen freely. If the original base coat color is altered, the new colors must be from one of the Ochre swatches.
Markings may show on the base coat and the black patches, but never show on the white!
Any additional markings that are present in the phenotype are optional and do not have to be added to the design.



Relevant to: –
Value: –
Edge: Soft, Textured (Soft), Hard or Textured(Hard)
Breaks: Yes
Holes: Yes
Fading: No
Can be white: –
Layering: –
Hides other genes: Yes

Quick Facts Guide



If the beasts’ original base coat color was swapped with Ochre, the color for the new base coat has to be taken from one (1) of the three (3) Ochre swatches available.
Similarly the color for the black patches have to be taken from one (1) of the three (3) Night swatches we have.
All swatches for our base coat colors can be found on our Base Coats and Markings page!
The white is the only color that does not have to be taken from a swatch, however, if you feel uncomfortable picking your own colors feel free to use the following swatch:
Please open the link by clicking on the swatch and save the image, as taking colors from screenshots or copy and pasted versions might influence the colors. This often leads us to not being able to find the corresponding color on the swatch and we have to send your design to corrections!



Marbled allows for any type of edge. The edges have to be consistent throughout the whole design though! If you started with soft edges you must use soft edges for all patches.
EdgeIlluSoft1 EdgeIlluSoft2 EdgeIlluSoft3 EdgeIlluTexturedSoft1 EdgeIlluTexturedSoft2 EdgeIlluHard EdgeIlluTexturedHard1 EdgeIlluTexturedHard2


Design Notes

Markings showing on patches
Markings that are added to the design have to be shown at least over the base coat color. Whether or not the base coat color was changed to Ochre, does not matter!
Twilight Night with Pangare with the Marbled Mutation
Additionally it is allowed to have markings show over the black patches as well! If a marking shows on top of the base color and black patches it will not change its color depending on what area it covers. The color that was picked for it has to be used throughout the design as the majority of our markings do not allow for multiple colors!
Earth with Stripes with the Marbled Mutation


Combinations with other markings



Maximum Range
Marbled has no maximum range.
Minimum Range
Marbled has no distinct minimum range, but must be present in a noticeable way on the beast.


Good examples:




Feel free to search for this marking in our CaveSpeaker gallery to get some inspiration or a better grasp of the marking.
However, be careful of old designs as they might be illegal by now due to previous rule changes!
Please do not just copy existing designs either, as those are the property of their designer!