Hello everyone!
It’s time for the first news journal in this group! As you can see, the dA support team was not able to restore the old group so we were forced to create a new one. cx
The name is exactly the same one from the old group, so if you have links to it anywhere you do not have to change them! Here’s the link so everybody can watch / join easily: Prehistoria-ARPG
The gallery folders are all created and ready to accept your images and literature. Feel free to upload anything you had in the old group to the new one! We will accept any images / literatures besides old activities (Hunting, Fishing, Discovery, Foraging, Quests, Expeditions), as we already rolled the loot for those.
This also means that the temporary image hub we created is now closed and we are working on adding all images from there to the group! c:
Additionally, we reworked the groups front page to get rid of those nasty white underlines. It now has the look we wanted to surprise you with on the infamous December 25th!
This is also a reminder for our little Christmas gift you may claim until January 12th, Midnight EST: Click here!
Since we now have a group page again we also released a new Monthly Quest. You can check it out by cklicking on the link leading you to the group page above!
~ Falbe