Seasonal Adventure: Tips for a God


Tips for a God
Seasonal Adventures are a group activity that allows you to participate in unique storylines, get exotic rewards, and obtain an even more unique badge for your beast’s import. Some stories will differ in paths you can take, the lore included, and other aspects of storytelling. You’ll never know what twists might be thrown your way!
This Quest will end December 31st, Midnight EST!


Rewards for full story completion:
– 1x Overflowing Treasure Chest,
– 1000-2000 Beads,
– 1-3 Trait Shards,
– 1x Veggie Stew,
– the special Milestone Badge shown up on top of the page.
ItemVeggieStewVeggie Stew:
This item is used to add one (1) additional beast to your Bonding Trials, increasing the max amount from one (1) to two (2).

Claim your rewards!


In order to see what happened so far between Ceryn and Enlil, have a look at the Seasonal Adventure “Inside Enlil’s Forest” and the latest Birthday Lore Event!
The story begins here:
Ever since the end of the festival with the piñata organized by the Rahutu Clan, which had seen the return of the god Enlil, everyone had been distancing themselves from Enlil’s Heart. Out of respect for the deity but also for fear of angering him again. Even Ceryn was distancing himself and was now like a shadow among the trees and vegetation of Prehistoria.
And then, one day like any other, you’re shocked to see the massive form of Enlil stepping forward. Towards you.
Before you can make a move to get out of his way, a simple glance at you nails you to the spot. “Mortal. We need to talk. Immediately.”
His tone and somber expression leave no room for refusal on your part, so you hasten to comply.
Cold and grumpy, the God asks you straight out what exactly happened in his forest with Ceryn, demanding your point of view. As you explain, not without fearing for your life, you see Enlil’s expression gradually soften, and finally put aside his initial hostility. He nods his thanks.
Start Quest:
After a tense silence, Enlil sighed and his piercing gaze wandered off into the distance. “Mortal. I could use a little…assistance.”
Curiously, the god did not seem so threatening anymore, and you can see him shifting his weight from one hoof to the other, as if nervous. After another moment of quietness, you decide to dare ask him what sort of assistance he needed.
“It’s about Ceryn,” he began.
The distance the Lyti was taking from Enlil Heart’s had not escaped the God. And curiously, it seemed to affect him. As you can see, Enlil was not at all angry with him for calling on you when the forest had been experiencing strange manifestations. He understood why the buck did it.
It took Enlil some time to explain why he wanted help to speak to Ceryn: No matter how many times he called out to him asking for an audience, only silence answered.
He was a God, but the Lyti was a mortal. So Enlil remembered that Ceryn was accompanied by mortals at one point to see what was happening in his forest. It was this that made him decide to call on you. To have your point of view.
After a few moments of reflection, you suggest another tactic to the god, far less official than an audience: a friendly meeting.
Intrigued, Enlil looks at you for a long moment before speaking again.
“Let’s do that, mortal,” he hums with a nod. “What do you suggest?”
Depict your beast listening to Enlil, suggesting the meeting to him or illustrate this part of the story.

Path 1 – Quest 1:
You suggest Enlil to prepare a small snack for Ceryn, to make the meeting less austere and more friendly. The God’s ears perk up in curiosity at this idea, and even more so when you ask what foods the Lyti prefers.
“Follow me, Mortal. I will show you”, he invited.
The God guides you to the edges of Enlil’s Heart, where a special kind of tree grows. It was like nothing you have ever seen and had colorful, heady-smelling fruits. Enthusiastically, Enlil even offers you to pick and taste one.
Depict your beast suggesting the snack idea, following Enlil or illustrate this part of the story.
Path 1 – Quest 2:
The fruit’s flesh was firm and juicy, and its delicious taste invaded all your senses. Just one of these fruits were already very nourishing.
The God gloated with pride at your appreciation of his creation and immediately shared some trivias about it, explaining that this tree and its fruit loved the sun and that is why he had grown them in this particular spot in the forest. He also hinted that it was a tree that Ceryn seemed to really like, the God having seen him lay down against its trunks and soak up the sun…
Seeing Enlil’s slight embarrassment and inspired by the taste of the fruit, you suggest to accompany this fruit with other small things, like berries or nuts. It will not only enhance its flavor but also mean many more good things for Ceryn to eat. Enlil immediately liked the idea.
Depict your beast tasting the fruit, suggesting the making of the meal or illustrate this part of the story.

Path 2 – Quest 1:
To make the meeting much less formal and serious, you suggest Enlil one specific place for a meeting. Somewhere the Lyti likes to go in order to relax, or a place he simply enjoys.
The God’s eyes began to sparkle. Yes, he knows a few places in his forest where he had spotted Ceryn many times, he said. And if they wanted to see them for themselves, he could show them.
As soon as you agreed, pride could be read throughout Enlil’s whole being, who then guided you, head held high, into the heart of his beloved forest.
Depict your beast suggesting the special meeting place, following Enlil or illustrate this part of the story.
Path 2 – Quest 2:
You had already a glimpse of the Enlil’s Heart alongside Ceryn the time before, but the experience was quite different with Enlil himself as your guide. The forest was curiously calm in the god’s presence and you even had the impression that some of the trees and vegetation bowed or moved aside as he passed. Enlil showed you his most dearest creation and, seeing your genuine curiosity, was not stingy with details and explanations. This forest was a work of art, and Enlil gloated with pure pride.
Then, finally, the God led you to a clearing where a familiar sight presented itself to your eyes. It was a giant weeping willow of the same species you had seen on your last excursion with Ceryn.
“It was at the roots of one of these trees when I saw Ceryn for the first time…”
Enlil’s voice was dreamy, as was his gaze. For a while, it was as if the God was alone with his memories. Until he became aware of your presence again and looked very embarrassed.
Depict your beast walking in the forest with Enlil, looking at the willow or illustrate this part of the story.

End Quest:
The day was already well underway when Enlil took you back to the place he had met you, the tension of the first few minutes completely evaporated. While you are chatting, you decide to give the God one last piece of advice: Try to be less grumpy and cold. Because in Ceryn’s eyes, among others, that will be very scary. And it could also be one of the reasons why the Lyti distances himself so much…
When silence suddenly falls, you think you have gone too far. But when you dare to look at the God again, you are able to see a pensive expression on his face. After a whilesome time, Enlil looks at you, nodding with a muttered “Thank you for your honesty, Mortal”.
Depict your beast walking back with Enlil, giving him this last piece of advice or illustrate this part of the story.


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