Here you can find the different Trials and their prompts for the Spirit Trials. The rules and requirements can be found on our Trials page!
Prehistoria had been shattered. K’Malou’s rage had sundered the planet, and Arwii poured his remaining power into its restoration. As he took to his shelter to rest, he tasked the remaining Gods with his world’s continued recovery. The Gods found the task more difficult than expected. The once serene and peaceful landscape was now broken with strange, dangerous places and angry creatures tainted by the remains of K’Malou’s magic. Once-great civilizations now lay in ruins and the mortals were confused and distressed. After a discussion among themselves, the Gods decided to enlist the strongest and most capable among the mortal beasts who could help them restore Prehistoria. The Gods erected the first Trials as tests to find the most fitting leaders for hunting, foraging, raising young, exploration, battle, fishing, gathering knowledge, scouting, and even versatile beasts who filled many roles for their family. Each beast who managed to complete a Trial received a blessing from the God who had created it.
Many long years passed. Prehistoria would never return to what it had been, but together the Gods and mortals forged a new way of life. Eventually, the Prehistoria that had been before was forgotten. Through the years, some of the Gods disappeared completely, and most were also forgotten. Their Trial grounds lay mostly unused, with each Trial’s Guardian either going into hiding or protecting their sacred area, and the mortals thrived without the Gods’ direct aid. Beneath the now-bustling planet’s surface, the mad God K’Malou slumbered and slowly regained his strength. As his power returned to him, he reached out to the minds of those around him hoping to recruit men and beasts alike, and perhaps even the odd God or two, to release him from his prison. With most of Prehistoria’s Gods lost and forgotten, the Trial of K’Malou sprang into existence.
When the Goddess Umbru made her return to Prehistoria, she found that she and the other Gods had been mostly forgotten by the mortals. While some were happy to listen to her stories, others shied away from her out of fear of her magnificent cosmic form. This made the Umbru’s heart ache, for she had always loved the mortals. One by one, she found each Trial’s Guardian and reinstated them to their place and readied each Trial Grounds to be open for use. The world was no longer in dire need of strong leaders, so instead Umbru sought to reintroduce the mortals to the Gods and show them that any who returned to Prehistoria should be celebrated rather than feared. The Trials were almost like a difficult game, she told them, and the Guardians would ensure the safety of any mortal attempting the Trials.
The Guardians:
With the Gods’ help, Prehistoria soon returned to stability, and the mortals began to thrive once again. The Gods left their Trials intact even after there was no longer a true need for their blessings. The mortals’ numbers grew and grew, and soon the Gods found it hard to keep up with the running of the world and the management of their Trials. Enlil was the first among the Gods to appoint a Trial Guardian to help maintain and protect the Trial Grounds while he was away. Many of the other Gods quickly saw the usefulness of Enlil’s Guardian and eagerly found Guardians of their own, while others took longer to convince. In time, a Guardian stood at the head of each and every Trial.
These Guardians had once been normal animals, and were now blessed and strengthened by their patron God. Each was ageless, and stood taller than mortal members of its species. To help them hide among the mortals when needed, each Guardian has the ability to change their fur or feather pattern, appearing entirely different from one moment to the next. In times of danger, the Guardians are able to grow into large, monstrous Warden Forms. Their frightening appearance is meant to scare off any threat, but in the event that they cannot, the Guardians can back up this display with incredible strength.
Note on the looks of the Guardians:
As mentioned above they are able to change their looks however they want to blend in better. Which is why we decided to not give them a set design for players to use. If you draw them, draw them however you want as long as the species still fits (e.g you cannot draw the Otter Guardian as Lion)!
The Wooden Spirit Idol:
You’re not happy with your beasts’ bonus anymore? Or your beast is no longer a follower of the Spirit Trials’ God / Goddess? No problem! With the Wooden Spirit Idol you can remove the bonus and do one of the other Trials in order to gain its bonus.
You would need an Idol everytime you want to change the bonus though! Even Trials you already did in the past would have to be redone completely.
The Idol is obtainable through the Merchants Hut for 5 Long Forgotten Coins or through Crafting.
Places of Interest:
The places described in the Trials are unknown to you or you have no idea how they could look like? Have a look at our World Map! All marked places are described below as well.
The Trials of Umbru
Runestone / Guardian:
Bonus after completion: Increases the chance to roll rare or exotic loot in any activity if a moon is featured
– Prompt 1:
You want to try your paws / hooves on the Trials of Umbru and heard you have to seek out her Guardian at the Star Stones. Arriving there in the middle of the night, you not only find one owl, in fact, you stand across a few dozens of glowy eyes in the dark. Your first prompt is to find the right owl, but be careful! Speaking to the wrong one will potentially lead to an attack!
– Prompt 2:
After surviving a few owl attacks you finally found the Guardian! Not wasting any breath on smalltalk it gives you your first order: find a special kind of bark, the Moonbark! It only rarely grows at the bases of the trees on the forests edge close to the Star Stones and glows a soft white during the night.
– Prompt 3:
Returning with the Moonbark the owl looks pleased. Putting the bark down in front of the owl it gives you the next prompt: dive through the cool, clear waters to the bottom of Huxlu River while the moon is still full to gather a moon touched pearl. On top you are asked to bring back some of the water as well!
– Prompt 4:
Once again returning, this time with the pearl and the water, you put everything down in front of the owl. It smiles down at you and asks you to wait a few minutes while it prepares the potion it can create with these ingredients. After a while the owl returns and hands you the potion and instructs you to dowse yourself (and your beast if you’re a handler) in the waters of the mixture at the Star Stones.
– Prompt 5:
You have done all that the owl, and through it Umbru, has asked of you and the potion has temporarily granted you sight beyond sight. Gaze into her realm through the carved full moon of the largest Star Stone and receive her blessing. Are you able to see Umbru herself as well or is all you see her beautiful night sky?
The Trials of Larkka
Runestone / Guardian:
Bonus after completion: Increases the chance to roll rare or exotic loot in Discovery entries
– Prompt 1:
You want to try your paws / hooves on the Trials of Larkka and heard you have to seek out her Guardians in Larkka’s Tar Pits. The way is long and dangerous as you have to navigate over small land bridges, jump across rocks and avoid falling into the deadly Tar Pits.
– Prompt 2:
After what feels eternity you finally found a few rats. Curious they watch you coming closer before asking why you are coming to this dangerous place. While telling them you would like to attempt Larkka’s Trial you notice as more and more rats appear in front and around you. Worried you look around and notice something strange: these rats seem to behave as one, creating different shapes and forms with their bodies. You are pretty sure your brain hasn’t tricked you and you actually saw them fusing together in what seems to be a Worg for a few seconds.
– Prompt 3:
Looking back at the few rats you met first they give you your first prompt: find an old and dying beast, just outside Larkka’s Tar Pit and keep it company so it doesn’t have to die alone.
– Prompt 4:
Finally finding the old beast you slowly walk closer as to not scare it to death. Asking if you could do anything to make its parting easier it tells you to just lay down next to it and keep it company for a while. You start to exchange stories and soon you notice the elderly beast getting more and more silent, before it finally leaves this world to enter Larkka’s Spirit Realm.
*You may not show your beast (and handler if there is one) harm the elderly beast. It has to die peacefully from old age!
– Prompt 5:
Attempting to leave and returning to the rats as you finished your task when suddenly, the dead body starts to move. Watching with horror you see the body turning into hundreds of rats and from one second to another, you stand in front of the rats you met in Larkka’s Tar Pit. They thank you for showing mercy and keeping an old beast company while it dies and give you Larkka’s blessing.
The Trials of Hasswei
Runestone / Guardian:
Bonus after completion: Increases the chance to roll rare or exotic loot in Hunting entries
– Prompt 1:
You want to try your paws / hooves on the Trials of Hasswei and heard you have to seek out his Guardian on the Hunting Grounds. You were told the Guardian is a big and scary Andrewsarchus, very hard to overlook. You have to use all your skills and senses to track down this mighty beast!
– Prompt 2:
Following a promising track you suddenly stand in front of an angry Andrewsarchus. Is this the Guardian? Before you even had the chance to ask it attacks you and you have to fight back. The beast is a tough opponent!
– Prompt 3:
Besting the beast in combat it reveals itself as the Guardian you were looking for. It is very pleased with your combat skills. But combat isn’t what you are here for, the Trials are supposed to test your hunting skills after all! You are tasked to go hunting on a field with a very dense fog, making it nearly impossible to see anything. You will have to rely on your other senses if you want to catch any prey!
– Prompt 4:
Pleased with your success the Guardian gives you the next prompt: in the snowy mountain region lies one of the most dangerous saber packs. They are snow white and their camouflage is deadly to any whose eyes are not trained. The massive sabers destroy prey that they do not need and go against the way of the honorable hunter. Down one from the pack and bring back its pelt.
– Prompt 5:
Returning to the Hunting Grounds the Andrewsarchus nods pleased. All you have to do now is to build an altar and burn the sacrifices to honor Hasswei, with exception for the white pelt. Keep the massive snow saber pelt as a token of his favor. Drape the pelt across your (or your beasts back if you’re a handler) back and accept his blessing. Did Hasswei show himself in the smoke of the burning altar or was there nothing to see except dense smoke?
The Trials of Hathar
Runestone / Guardian:
Bonus after completion: Increases the chance to roll rare or exotic loot in Fishing entries
– Prompt 1:
You want to try your paws / hooves on the Trials of Hathar and heard you have to seek out his Guardian in an underwater cove somewhere in the Shimmering Waters Lake. To reach the cove you have to follow the trail of underwater air pockets but you must be careful to not overestimate yourself, hold your breath as long as possible and swim quickly!
– Prompt 2:
Finally reaching the underwater cove you take a second to catch your breath and shake yourself to get rif of all the water making your body heavier than necessary. Looking up you find a small otter smiling up at you. It greets you and starts a small conversation on how your trip to this place went and if you had any difficulties.
– Prompt 3:
Remembering the reason you are here for the otter gives you your first prompt: travel to the Crystal Tides area and catch a swordfish. The population near the coast got out of hand and now endangers the other fish species by hunting too much of them. The balance has to be returned which is only possible by reducing the amount of swordfish out there!
– Prompt 4:
Returning with the fish the otter nods pleased. Not wasting any time it sends you to your next prompt: on the edge of Arco’s Depth are very old ruins which turned into a salty pit of death due to too many corrupted pearls. Retrieve a few of these pearls in bring them to the island in the middle of the Shimmering Waters Lake.
– Prompt 5:
You got everything the otter asked for and are now standing on the small island in the middle of the lake. Out of nowhere it started to rain and the otter smiles up to you, granting you Hathar’s blessing. But what was that? Have your eyes tricked you or did you really see the shape of Hathar in the rain?
The Trials of Assur
Runestone / Guardian:
Bonus after completion: Your beast has a chance to roll two fights instead of just one with one battle entry
– Prompt 1:
You want to try your paws/hooves on the Trials of Assur and heard you have to seek out her Guardian at the Warrior Stones.
You find the place very crowded once you arrive after your long journey. Many beasts of all genders and species, all battle-trained warriors under Assur’s wings. Their eyes rest on you, silently judging…
– Prompt 2:
After a long moment spent in a heavy silence enduring the gaze of the warriors, a loud crow draws your attention to a flamboyant Rooster, proudly walking towards you.
He admires your bravery and determination to come here. But then waste no time giving you his first task.
Travel to the Nukkik War Grounds and survive from its resources without asking for any help from someone. A battle-trained warrior must adapt and survive every situation, even the harshest ones. So you must show that.
– Prompt 3:
Assur’s Guardian is satisfied. But you’re not done yet, and the Rooster Guardian doesn’t give you time to breathe. Suddenly, a pack of cave hyenas arrives at your camp and circle you!
You must challenge them all to a fight at the same time. However, you mustn’t kill a single one of them. Fight with honor and knock them all out.
– Prompt 4:
You are almost done but have no time to rest yet! The Rooster comes at you with a final task. The hardest of all.
Assur’s Paraceratherium Champion resides in the War Grounds, waiting for opponents ready to fight them. Challenge them to a fight and bring a bit of their blood on a feather to show that you indeed fought them.
– Prompt 5:
The battle was rough, but you brought a bloody feather back to the Rooster. Your deeds impressed Assur’s Guardian who urges you to return to the Warrior Stones to celebrate alongside the other warriors. There you are openly cheered as a new warrior under the Goddess’ wings.
Around the celebration bonfire, you spy Assur’s silhouette in the flames, proud of a new warrior.
The Trials of Enlil
Runestone / Guardian:
Bonus after completion: Increases the chance to roll rare or exotic loot in Foraging entries
– Prompt 1:
You want to try your paws / hooves on the Trials of Enlil and heard you have to seek out his Guardian in Enlil’s Heart. To reach Enlil’s heart is not an easy task. You may think that a path through forest and plants would be no trouble, but as you walk, you realize the plants are moving more than they normally would. Suddenly, one snaps at your leg. It looks like a massive venus flytrap. Soon enough, many plants are snapping at you as you hastily run forward through the winding path. These plants are hungry and you seem like juicy prey.
– Prompt 2:
After the chaos of the carnivorous plants, the forest becomes suddenly quiet and serene as you leave the killer plants behind. All plants before you now are still and harmless. Enlil’s Guardian hops up to you — a small, gentle rabbit. You have reached Enlil’s Heart. But now you must prove yourself.
– Prompt 3:
The Guardian presents your first prompt: he leads you to a wilting, dying flower. This flower needs special care to be revived. The rabbit instructs you to search for a nearby pond. All water in Enlil’s Heart has been blessed and purified. When you bring this water and water the plant, it slowly becomes colorful and comes back to life right before your eyes.
– Prompt 4:
The Guardian is pleased, but you must do one more thing. He directs you to a massive maze. In the middle lies a rare Corpse Flower with special seeds that you must collect. However, you MUST get through WITHOUT harming any plants. You must move very carefully to not bump or stomp on any plants, and then gently collect the seeds without damaging the massive, looming Corpse Flower.
– Prompt 5:
Exiting the maze feels just as difficult as entering it. But finally, you return with the seeds, which the Guardian explains is considered a very high offering to Enlil himself. Lie the seeds gently on the grass and step back. Enlil is pleased with your work and your dedication to protect and nurture his beloved plants. Caring for even the smallest or most wilted plants is what a dedicated follower of his would do.
The Trials of Imdir
Runestone / Guardian:
Bonus after completion: Increases the chance to roll rare or exotic loot in Expedition entries
– Prompt 1:
You want to try your paws / hooves on the Trials of Imdir and heard you have to seek out her Guardian in the Howling Peaks. If you wish to dedicate yourself to Imdir, you must first find this flighty goddess. Your first challenge is to navigate the winding path through the mountains. At times, the path is so narrow you fear you may slip off the edge at any moment. Over some cliffs, you cannot even see the ground. Some areas have remnants of rockslides, meaning you must navigate the partially broken path. Watch your step!
– Prompt 2:
The climb seems to take ages. The higher you go, the harder it gets to breathe. You fear you may run out of air completely when finally you reach the summit of the Howling Peaks. Before you stands a mountain goat, standing tall and proud. He welcomes you and lays out your prompt: He needs you to collect some special gemstones.
– Prompt 3:
To get the first gemstone, you first travel south down Imdir’s Spine. The gemstone will be found at the southernmost point of the continent, at an ancient shrine where the mountains meet the water. The journey is long and treacherous, but eventually, you come across this shrine that seems to have gone unused for hundreds – if not thousands – of years. The gemstone sits at the base of the shrine.
– Prompt 4:
There is one more gemstone to collect — this time from the Tetl Island. This land is wilder and more dangerous than the Prehistoria mainland, so tread carefully. Sure enough, you find a shrine just like the one you found earlier. There lies a similar gemstone, though a different color.
– Prompt 5:
With both gemstones, you meet up with Imdir’s Guardian on the coast by the Crystal Tides. He tells you that by throwing the stones into the Crystal Tides, you can summon Imdir. You toss the gemstones. After a few moments, the wind picks up around you, almost like a miniature tornado. You’re not sure if you truly saw Imdir in the wind or if it was just the wind. Whether you see her or not, you know she is pleased by your dedication and perseverance.
The Trials of Mamota
Runestone / Guardian:
Bonus after completion: Guarantees the Monthly Quest bonus reward and gives a chance to roll events for each Seasonal Adventure quest part
– Prompt 1:
You want to try your paws / hooves on the Trials of Mamota and heard you have to seek out his Guardian in the Whispering Forest. The deeper you get into the forest, the more whispering voices you hear. But which one is the right one that leads you to the Guardian? And where will the other voices lead you to?
– Prompt 2:
Anxiously looking around you arrive at a small clearing. You look around but except for a bigger rock, grass and leaves on the ground you can’t seem to se anything that reminds you of a Tortoise. Sighing you start to turn around, attempting to follow another whisper when suddenly the rock starts to move. Turns out, Mamota’s Guardian pretended to be a rock!
– Prompt 3:
Greeting you the Guardian gives you your prompt: deep within the Whispering Forest are ancient ruins. Story goes that back in the days a tribe was living in this area, able to build monuments out of stone, so big they could easily reach the sun and stars. For some reason however, the tribe suddenly disappeared, and all what is left of them are these ruins. Find them, investigate what could have happened to the tribe and return to the Guardian.
– Prompt 4:
Reaching the ruins all you can see on first glance is a giant mess. While the foundation still seems to be intact, the rest of the once great building lies scattered around in pieces. What else do you find? Can you find hints of fire? Or was it nature alone that managed to destroy this once magnificent building? Maybe you can find items of the old tribe? Remember to only collect knowledge, all items you find have to stay in the same place you found them in!
– Prompt 5:
Returning to the Guardian you tell them of your findings. Pleased with your efforts it grants you Mamota’s blessing. Maybe you just imagined it, but it seemed as if the whispers got louder and stronger for a moment once you received your blessing. Maybe a sign of Mamota being pleased with you as well?
The Trials of K’Malou
Runestone / Guardian:
Bonus after completion: The beast has a chance to only return rare or exotic loot in any activity. Limits the amount of items to two items per roll however and cannot be combined with anything that increases the loot’s rarity, increases the amount of loot or the Holiday Cheer Trait at the same time the bonus is active
– Prompt 1:
You want to try your paws / hooves on the Trials of K’malou and heard you have to seek out his Guardian in the Maukai Volcano. Maukai is far from the mainland. You find yourself alone on the rocky, unstable ground of the island. As you approach the massive volcano, the creatures you see around you don’t look right. Each one is deformed in some way, not like any natural beast. Sometimes they hiss, snarl, or make a guttural sound that makes you shudder.
– Prompt 2:
Leaving the deformed creatures behind, you reach the base of the volcano. You turn your head at the sound of footsteps and a massive two-headed Komodo Dragon approaches you. Each head moves independently and all four eyes focus on you; you’re not quite sure if there are two individuals in this body or if it is all one conscience. She studies you silently with both pairs of eyes.
– Prompt 3:
The Guardian is intrigued and gives you your first prompt: Hunt down one of the deformed beasts that roam the land, then throw it into one of the smaller volcanoes. You venture back out away from the volcano where more creatures roam. Some are fearful of you, some are aggressive. You hunt one down and the Guardian watches as you toss the creature into a small volcano near the base of Maukai.
– Prompt 4:
The Guardian is pleased, but that was simply a warm-up. Next, you must bring a hot ember to the top of Maukai Volcano. Not only must you carry this hot ember without burning yourself, getting to the very top of Maukai means crossing many patches of hot coals. You must scale the volcano without burning yourself to a crisp.
– Prompt 5:
You finally make it to the top of the volcano with the hot ember (and yourself) still intact. The Guardian motions you to throw it into the volcano. When you throw the ember, the magma within the volcano bubbles and shoots upwards. You can feel the searing heat. Was that K’malou himself in the blaze? Was he truly pleased with your work?