Prehistoria Birthday Event 2024


Prehistoria celebrates its 7th birthday this year! We prepared something special this year, so come and join us!


Welcome to our birthday celebration!
This year we prepared something we did not have in quite a while: a coloring contest! One of our admins, Aspi-Galou was so nice to draw a little birthday pinata for you all to color in. We will provide the template in both .psd and .png, so you can color it by using a digital art program or print it and fill in the colors with pencils or any other traditional art tool!
You may add more details to the pinata as well as long as the base it not altered! These could include intricate designs or motives such as jewelry and flowers.
That is not all though! Every drawing submitted until JULY 20th, MIDNIGHT EST in our gallery under “Misc. Art” will be part of a small contest. On July 21st we will announce the winner and use their pinata in our little game of the second part of our birthday celebrations!
Oh – and did I mention every submission will get a little something for their effor as well? c;
And yes, you may submit more than one pinata too, so if you have plenty of ideas in your head? Throw them at us!
Feel free to share your art after July 21st as well! This date is just a deadline for entries that want to participate in our small contest. The template itself will stay online and can still be used afterwards! c:

The pinata templates!


The Backstory:
Ceryn, a relatively fresh face in the world of Prehistoria made his appearance. He asked for help since Enlil’s Heart was behaving strange but nobody was able to figure out what was wrong. However, once the buck and the adventurous volunteers were about to leave the forest and say their goodbyes a passage inside the trunk of a massive willow tree appeared. Everyone was stunned and excited, yet… nothing came out of it. Even after hours of waiting. The volunteers decided to leave and take care of their own business while Ceryn stayed behind, still waiting.
The Seasonal Adventure for this part of the Lore can be found here: Seasonal Adventure, Inside Enlil’s Forest
Present Day:
A few days passed by and you decided to check in on Ceryn. On your way you passed through the Elloulk Tribe so of course you asked them first if they have heard anything from the Lyti. Nobody did though and some were even worried he might not have left the passage ever since it opened. Now worried, you continue on and soon reach the spot Ceryn and the volunteers helping him separated.
He was still standing in the middle of the path, staring at the trunk as if it might only take a few more seconds before something or someone steps out of it. Slowly, as to not spook him by accident, you come closer, asking him if he is okay, if he rested in between. “I can’t, what if something comes out that will wreak havoc inside the forest? Or worse, what if it is Enlil and I’m not here to welcome him back?”, he answered.
You understand his worries, but you also know standing there for who knows how long will not do him any good either. There needs to be a way to get Ceryn’s mind off of the opening and introduce him to some more Prehistorians somehow!
Wandering around you soon come accross one of the many Rahutu settlements along the coast. The initial plan was to rest a bit and share some news with the tribespeople, something interesting caught your eye though… A bunch of children gathered in a circle around some weird, colorful thing in the shape of a Saber hanging from a post. While the majority was cheering, one of them was in the middle, eyes blindfolded and a large stick in hand. It swung the stick and tried to hit the Saber, to no avial though – it missed.
Noticing your curious yet confused gaze a friendly female adult came your way. “You never saw one of these yet?”, she asked you. You shook your head. Laughing, she explained that the colorful thing hanging from a rope is a “Piñata”. It is made out of clay, put into any shape you want it to be and wrapped in some losely knit together furs. “When the children hit it the clay will break and the stitches tear. Once it is broken sufficiently all kinds of sweet fruits and sweets will fall out. It is our way to celebrate the birthdays of our young ones. As you can see they have a lot of fun and nobody is left out as there is usually enough treats for everyone!”
This is it! You ask her if it is possible for her to make one of those Piñatas for you as well. Smiling, she nods.
While waiting for the Piñata to be finished you pass along the word that there will be a great party. Everybody who is interested is welcome to join! To make it easier to convince Ceryn to join the fun it is decided to hold it just outside the Elloulk’s Tribe settlement.
Soon the preparations are done and quite a lot of Prehistorians arrived to join, curious to see this weird “Piñata” everybody is talking about.
The surprise guest:
The party was in full swing. Prehistorians from all corners of the world arrived while clansmen of the Rahutu Clan explained their customs and the tribes people of Elloulk Tribe provided delicious foods and drinks. Ceryn appeared to be more relaxed as well, even smiling to one or two newcomers. It seems like this idea was a success across the board!
Three days in however, something strange happened… It is almost as if the forest around them came back to live, flowers started blooming out of nowhere, trees turning a more vibrant green and yet the noises one usually was able to hear from birds and small critters alike fell silent. Confused the party goers looked around and at each other, what was going on?
Suddenly, a booming voice can be heard from the edge of the forest: “What is the reason behind this noise and why are there so many of you in MY forest?!?“.
Gasping you can hear Ceryn saying a name. Enlil.


Hit me baby one more time:
Now that the story behind this event was told, let’s get to the part in which you all can partake again c;
Before we start with the game itself we have to announce the winner of our small coloring event of course! rayxray, congratulations, your entry won and will be used as the official Piñata for this event!
The game itself is fairly easy, all you have to do is to either draw or write a little entry of your beast hitting the Piñata! Everybody entering will get a roll with a randomly rolled selection of two (2) to three (3) event items.
– The Piñata featured in any entry must look like the one shown above.
– You may participate once per day.
– Minimum requirements for art:
– At least a simple background (Image complexity).
– The beasts must be recognizable and display all their markings, even minimally
– Must show at least 70% of your beast (Activity Ranges).
– Can be colored or Black and White. Shading is optional (Black and White Image Guide).
– Beasts have to focus on participating in the event (hitting the Piñata, preparing a hit, etc.)
– Minimum requirement for written entries:
– Must be at least three (3) to four (4) sentences describing what your beast does.
– Beasts have to focus on participating in the event (hitting the Piñata, preparing a hit, etc.)
To enter the game please comment here: Enter the game