
News 2021/07/04: Monthly changes, new Seasonal

Hello everyone!
I’m sorry for the little delay as I did not manage to post everything due to work :c
Anyways, a new month just started so we have the usual changes:
– new Monthly Quest
Monthly Bonus changed the species
New Seasonal Adventure
This month a new Seasonal Adventure started as well! I would definitely recommend having a look at it as the end will reveal something special on September 30th ;3
Seasonal Adventure: Under a Red Sky
The end reward companions are very special as well this time, as they are the first companions giving a bonus for Harmony Prompts and Themes: any beast having this Familiar applied does not count towards the max beasts for Prompts / Themes!
5 new NPCs
Dreknar: He officially appears after the lifemate ceremony of Arwii and Kala (so basically the last Seasonal Adventure) and regains his place as “King of Lytis”. More about him and his story can be found on his Import!
He is also our new mascot as some might have already noticed on our new CaveSpeaker Icon and brings a very special bonus: when depicted alongside your beasts, he gives the chance for all beasts (himself included) to bring back a randomly rolled exotic item in any activity (including Expeditions), Quests and Harmony Prompts and Themes. He does count towards the beast max in images!
Thiri and Ura, Atyae and Asger:
These 4 are new Story / Lore NPCs. None of them will have a bonus, however, we decided to add them as the guys who discovered the disc which led to Umbru’s return, and now to find the next piece of ancient Lore ;3
More about them can be found on their Imports!
There was also a small confusion on Discord about NPCs, Gods and Primals and which ones bring back loot if added to activities.
To clarify it for everyone (we already changed it on the specific pages to make it more clear and will add it to the Beginners Guide):
– Gods will NEVER bring back loot when depicted alongside your beasts. Even Donii and Ruda! They will give the bonus, but not bring back loot!
– NPCs and Primals both DO bring back loot if you add a loot tracker for them in the description!
~ Falbe