
News 2023/06/03: Seasonal Changes, Updates

Happy Pride Month everyone!
As always when a new month start, here are our usual monthly changes:
– the Monthly Bonus is now active for Equus! They can find a Special BG Token in regular activities!
– the Monthly Quest changed as well!
– our Rahutu Trading Post changed it’s offered items as well, this month with a Golden Charm of Bending as special item.
Since it is time for yet another Season change, some additional updates:
– the Spring Cycling Hub is now officially closed. We are currently finishing all remaining requests before posting the shiny new Summer Cycling Hub! Once it’s life we’re going to post a Mini-Announcement so nobody misses it <3
– we also added new Harmony and Unity Prompts and Themes! Thank you to everyone who suggested some <3
To see the new Promps / Themes go here: Harmony Prompts / Themes, Unity Prompts / Themes
And if you want to suggest some prompts or themes yourself you can have a look here: Suggestion Thread
– there’s a new Beast of the Season as well! Congrats to CrowWork and their girl Toni E267 <3
It is clear that ever since day one, Toni has been loved by her owner. From adventuring to finding love, Toni has quickly become a friendly face within Prehistoria.
A bubbly mare with a energetic personality, we really enjoy following Toni’s adventures. From Fishing, to Discovering, to Foraging, where she met friends along the way, including maybe a potential future love interest?
CrowWork is doing an amazing job with Toni and show us how much they love her!
A warm round of applause for this adorable mare and may her hooves bring her to the roads of more adventures!
– since it’s Pride Month we also reduced the price for our Pride BG, which can be found in our Merchant Hut. We also added two new versions recently, if you have more you want to see added feel free to tell us!
Oh, and if you don’t have the Beads to purchase one, don’t fret. Every player may claim one Pride BG during the entirey of June. Either apply it to your beast when submitting it for Design Approvals or simply head over to our Purchase Thread (once the new Cycling is up) and claim one there <3
– another small detail I forgot to mention when we released Imdir back in May. The Megaloceros lines were of course already updated with the new Mane mutation <3
~ Falbe