On this page you can find the Guides for all Physical, Color and Marking Mutations we have in Prehistoria!
You have no idea where to look in order to see if your geno has a mutation? Have a look at our SOS Design Guide, the second section (“Geno Dissection”) will explain the entire structure of our geno descriptions.
Physical Mutations
As the name already implies, Physical Mutations change the appearance of a Beast’s Mane, Tail and even Fangs. Ranges of markings touching these areas may be extended (e.g. Scruff may cover part of a Razor mane or Dipped may cover a Draft mane).
Click on the following links to get to the pages listing all available Physical Mutations for each species:
Color Mutations
Color Mutations change either the color of the entire base coat of your beast or the just color of some of its markings.
Marking Mutations
Marking Mutations add rare and unique markings to your beast. They do not have an influence on the color of the base coat or base coat relevant markings.