
News 2021/01/10: New Seasonal, Updates

Hello everyone!
I’ve got couple of news for you today, so here we go!
New Seasonal Adventure
As promised, the new Seasonal Adventure is finally up!
It follows up on what happened with Lady and Old Bear after our Winter Lore Event, and how they might need a bit help of your beast(s)!
Here’s the link to the Seasonal: Wisdom of the Old
Ruda and some Lore snippets
I mentioned the “Everyday Life and Fun to Know Trivia” in my last post. In the meantime, while working on the Gods and Goddesses page, we noticed that we actually missed to mention a God in our Lore: Ruda!
You will get to know more about them soon, no worries! But for now, you can read about them in the Golden Tablet Lore part. We added them between Donii becoming the Goddess of Healing and Assur being created.
Here’s the page for everyone interested in both the Trivias and Ruda’s creation: Lore
Oh – before I forget – the Gods and Goddesses and NPC pages are finally done! We are still missing the personalities, but don’t worry! We will add them as soon as possible c:
No more sta.sh trackers allowed
Due to recent issues we will no longer allow stash tracker of ANY kind! If you still have a tracker being in stash, please transfer it to a dA Journal or Deviation for example.
If you don’t know what we allow for what kind of tracker, have a look here: Tracker Guide
In case of bank we will still accept old comments that were posted under stash trackers. But we will no longer comment under them and send you to corrections / deny your request if you linked a stash tracker!
Small change on “Shiny!” Milestone
It’s actually just a small change. We changed “Special Primals” to “NPCs” (as we no longer have Special Primals) and added Lady and Old Bear to the NPCs you cannot get slots to.
To check our the different Locations and the difference between the Hunting Grounds and Hasswei’s Retreat have a look here: Places of Interest
New Reference Channel on Discord
You found a good reference we do not have in our CaveSpeaker Favourites? If you’re on our Discord Server, feel free to share it in this channel and we might add it!
That’s all for today! I wish you all a pleasant day and until next time,
~ Falbe